Our Country Music Picnic was such a wonderful event. It was made even more so because great folks were able to be part of it. It wouldn’t have been the same without great folks like us who always find a way to fall under roots and life style. It means a lot to have a simple life of cowboys and cowgirls in a Country style outfit speaking the same language “Country Music”.
As You Know Country music prides itself on being the heartbeat of everything in life, and well country songs are all about deep emotion and memorable. It’s Something you would love to listen to because no matter what the situation you go through, It Suits. This has been our life for quite a long time.
We gather every now and then together with our Country music Artists bands in Uganda; “The Freedom Band, The Country Vocals, Simon Jackson, Olum Churchill” to have fun, interact, share music to those who wish to widen their knowledge about Country Music. Sometimes people refer to Country music as the genre for old people but it’s not the case, It’s just because it does not sit well with listeners due to the vocals. Those who are lost find it boring and not knowing it’s the music they grew up listening to.
So for us we’re not waiting to make forty years to realise how special it is to be a cowboy or cowgirl. We may look young but in mind we’re so old fashioned and attached to real life and music. That’s how we have come along with such ideas like country music events & picnics, Country tours, horse rides At Ranch.
Surprisingly, there are people who secretly do enjoy listening to country music, but only select a number of songs and when they join us on such occasions, change’s made because at the end of the day it’s something worth It.
We’re simple & proud cowboys and cowgirls in Uganda and we go on spreading the gospel of country music. We would love to see you soon on our next event in early December
The Events Are Always Organized By Hudson Joseph, Aine Duncan, Bruno Mc, Marilyn Kabalere, Ivan Luyimbazi